
Now that you’ve completed your survey, scroll down for a three step process about how to use it!

Discover the 3 Steps


Now that you’ve completed your survey, scroll down for a three step process about how to use it!
Discover the 3 Steps

How to Use Your Remote Report

Step 1: READ

Review page 2 of the report. This is all about YOU! Note what is true about you.

Step 2: REVIEW

Look at pages 3 through 6. Based on the style descriptions, note the names of your coworkers by style. It’s OK if your team members are in multiple styles — just be sure their name only appears ONCE on each page.

Step 3: SHARE

Share with a friend or colleague who could benefit from it. Just copy and paste the link, then compare notes.

Can you and your coworkers help your business during COVID-19 and beyond?

Complete the form and we’ll have a member of our team reach out to you.

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