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How One VAA Turned a Debrief into Storytelling

How One VAA Turned a Debrief into Storytelling

Talent Insights Comparison Report Prompted Dynamic Debrief One of the most rewarding parts of our job is hearing how our Value Added Associates, with our tools, found a new way to land a new client or strengthen a client relationship. Our latest new product unveil,...
A Lesser-Known Way to Use TriMetrix DNA

A Lesser-Known Way to Use TriMetrix DNA

A step-by-step guide to writing a dynamic letter of recommendation Oh no! You have been once again been asked to write from scratch a letter of recommendation. Sadly, a great letter can take several hours of your time, if done well. Writing about a person’s hard...
Behavioral Science’s Role in Stanley Cup Success

Behavioral Science’s Role in Stanley Cup Success

  Cooper Leading Lightning to Familiar Territory Hiring the right leader, or the right coach, can be like finding a diamond in the rough. Sometimes it’s not always experience or coaching prowess, but instead a strong sense of character and conviction that makes...